Don’t fall for scammers

As the Operator of the portal, we act as an intermediary between the supply side and the demand side, but we are not responsible for the content of advertisements or for the business itself – product quality, delivery, payment, etc.

For this reason, we would like to urge you to pay more attention when closing deals.

  How to protect yourself from fraudsters?

  • Do not provide anyone with your personal (or other) data that is not related to the business being concluded.
  • Beware of sellers who demand any fee before delivery of goods and/or services.
  • Beware of suspiciously favorable offers.
  • Beware of work at home or via the Internet and various jobless earnings – these are often pyramid schemes.
  • Buy goods that need to be tried on and various sensitive goods (animals, food…) only in person.
  • Fraudsters often communicate only by e-mail, so beware of broken phone numbers or numbers belonging to another person.
  • Pay attention to registration on various sites and portals – you may be charged or your personal data may be misused.
  • Beware of offers (or responses to your ad) in a language other than English or incorrect English – they may be fraudsters from abroad whose goal is to obtain payment in advance from you, to send the sold goods without payment, or to misuse your personal and bank data.

What to do if you have become a victim of fraud?


  • Report the fraud to the nearest police force immediately. In the case of fraudsters, we actively cooperate with the police and provide them with all available information that could help in tracking down the fraudster.
  • Contact your bank – regarding a transfer based on an invalid contract, the bank may in some cases return the money to you. However, it may not always be the case, so we recommend not sending money in advance.

The administrators of our portal constantly check the content of advertisements, but it may happen that a fraudulent advertisement is not recognized and removed in time. If you discover a fraudulent advertisement on our pages, write to us at .